Homeless Prevention

Our prevention services

Case Management

Our caseworkers address families' acute needs via home-visiting.

Evidence-based practices

We use evidence-based practice to support and advocate for families in need.

Provide Advocacy

We help our clients navigate issues and systems so they can stay in their homes.

Coordinate with Community Providers

We connect our clients to critical services like legal support.

Stable families program

Assisting families in low-income housing

Since 2009, our Stable Families Program has prevented the evictions of 98% of the families who completed the program. Every year, we prevent more than 240 people in Bridgeport from losing their homes and facing the trauma of eviction. Approximately 80% of the households served are headed by single females of color, more than a third of whom have 3 or more children.

Eviction rates for Connecticut’s largest cities—Bridgeport, Hartford, and New Haven—are among the highest in the nation and housing affordability in Connecticut is among the lowest in the United States. The families and individuals whose evictions we work to prevent live in subsidized housing in the City of Bridgeport. For these people, eviction would mean losing that subsidy and being thrown into an already unaffordable retail rental market.

The Stable Families Program relies on intensive case management and partnerships with other organizations that provide legal services and other resources that help stabilize households. We tailor our approach to every family or individual we serve, providing customized casework for their specific situation. Although we sometimes provide financial assistance, this program is more focused on long-term solutions. 

We connect households with a
network of resources



Cultural & Civic Entities

Of the families who have completed the program in the last ten years, none have since entered the homeless system—together we can make real change!

“When I entered New Reach, I was broken and lost. So many people in the homeless system had let me down, but with the help of my peer support specialist and case manager I now have my own place, a car, and things I never thought I would have a year ago. Even though life may get tough, this program was the end of being alone.”
– Krystal, Stable Families Program graduate

Our clients
need you

Every day, New Reach clients receive the support and services they need because people in our community step up to help. Some give financial donations, others give items that our clients need, and still more give their time. Will you join them today to help end homelessness in Connecticut?